Don’t Just Sit There Be a Savage Citizen!

Download our Savage Citizens Request Letter____Email the Officeholders or Candidates____ Tell them you support the Savage Citizens Plan For Seattle____

Download our Savage Citizens Request Letter____Email the Officeholders or Candidates____ Tell them you support the Savage Citizens Plan For Seattle____

Savage Citizens Campaign Three: Inaugural Meeting

Type: Virtual Meeting

Date and time: Sun, Sep 22, 6:30pm-7:30pm PDT

Location:Virtual event

Informational meeting on Savage Citizens Campaign Three. We will meet and discuss our intentions and initial plans for this campaign. You are invited to show up and contribute your experiences, views and ideas and learn more about Savage Citizens.

Savage Citizens Campaign Three: Informational DESC Open House

Type: In person -Seattle Public Library

Date and time: Sun, Sep 22, 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

Location: Seattle Public Library-Harvard Ave

Savage Citizens Campaign Three. We will be attending the Downtown Emergency Services Informational Open House being held at the Seattle Public Library on September 25th from 6-7pm. You are invited to show up and get more information and comment on the DESC Belmont Street project.

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