
  • Icon for Savage Citizens Campaign One A direct plea for help solving the addiction and mental health epidemic as it affects Seattle with photos of Joe Biden Kamala Harris Donald Trump Robert F Kennedy Bruce Harrell Dow Constantine Jay Inslee

    Campaign One: A Request to Our Leaders

    A request by citizens of Seattle affected by the addiction and mental health epidemic in our streets from all current city, state and national officeholders and candidates. Our city is being destroyed economically and socially by the dual addiction and mental illness epidemic. We are asking for direct action from the officeholders and a pledge from candidates to commit to using the U.S military to supplement our civilian authorities in order to save Seattle. Just as the military was used during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist where local resources were insufficient. In order to permanently end the suffering in our city we ask each of you to make a statement committing to this principle and pledging to take action on this request by January 1, 2025.

  • Rachael Savage declares her candidacy for Seattle Mayor 2025

    Campaign Two: If We Don't Get a Strong Response From City Hall Rachael Savage Will Run For Mayor of Seattle in 2025

    If necessary, and to accomplish the Savage Citizens goal of ending the drug addiction and mental illness epidemic that is destroying Seattle once and for all, the original Savage Citizen, local business owner and teacher Rachael Savage will enter the 2025 Seattle Mayors race. Savage Citizens Campaign Two will be for the residents, the workers and the business owners. Everyone that has been living under the appalling conditions brought on by years of failed city policies. No Police. No Jail. No Judges. No compelled mental health treatment, No compelled addiction treatment. We can and must do better. Our economy and the pride of our city demand action in 2025. Calling all Savage Citizens to support and join a campaign unlike any other in Seattle history. We can win. We can live and work and be proud of our beautiful city.

  • Campaign Three: Stop the Downtown Emergency Services Center from opening on Capitol Hill

    Capitol Hill can’t handle anymore free housing for addicts and the mentally ill that operate on a housing model with:

    No requirements for residents to be abstinent from alcohol and drugs.

    No requirements for residents to be taking psychiatric medications or participating in psychiatric treatment.

    No requirements for residents to be employed, enrolled in school or in a job training program.

    Capitol Hill already has over three hundred people housed in multiple buildings that operate on this model variously called Housing First, Permanent Supportive Housing or Low Barrier Housing. Our streets are in chaos. We have done enough. We can and will stop the city funding of our own neighborhoods destruction. Join Savage Citizens today to help.